Blogging through the Pomodoro Technique

Najeeb Khan
1 min readAug 20, 2020

The Pomodoro experiment was unique and interesting. I achieve the goal that I set in start with the timer. I haven’t used this technique before I can’t even hear about it. Before starting this technique, I follow all the instructions. I avoided all the sources that distract me while performing this technique, such as mobile phones, etc. I decided to perform this activity to follow every step of this technique. While using this technique, I decided to write my blog. I set a 25-minute alarm on my mobile. I started working full concentration on the project. I took a 5-minute break then I set up another Pomodoro and started working the same way. I repeated it three times.

For me, it was a wonderful experience. I hadn’t used these techniques before. This technique has helped me do a lot more focused work. I finished my task within one hour and a half. This technique encourages me to fulfil my task which I have decided to complete.

I decided to keep practising the Pomodoro technique after doing this to compel my plans accordingly. Through this, my life would make me more successful. Focusing on my work and becoming more productive was an interesting activity, and helpful too.

